Our Flowers
Born out of a frustration at not being able to find the right kind of flowers to design with, and inspired by a steady renaissance in British flower growing, the Smokebush flower farm was born.
Almost all raised from seed, our flowers are carefully nurtured by hand before they fly the nest into the field, where they do their best to deal with whatever the British weather has to throw at them. The heat lovers and those that are a little more tender get to live out their best life in the big old greenhouse.
We enjoy growing the different and the unusual, the distinctive and the romantic; the types you just won’t find in the shops or the supermarket! We take inspiration from the garden to grow and design flowers that celebrate each season with their characteristic colours and scent, considering the environment at every step.
During the active growing season (April to October) we offer bespoke floral design for weddings and events, flowers for DIY weddings and events, as well as local subscriptions flowers.